Happy New Year 2024

Oh boy, there were a lot of things that happened this year.

Like last year, no blogs were posted on this site. I didn’t want to share tech here. That’s the main reason. I also like these yearly New Year updates. But, unlike last year, where I forgot to write the blog post, I am starting early this year so that I can have a huge blog post bigsmile

Let’s start, shall we?


Ups and Downs. It was fairly okay. This got a merged update. There isn’t much to say here, other than things are happening with AI and stuff, and I am going with the flow with them.


This is where the fun is this year!!!

It was an immensely beautiful year from start to end. I enjoyed the journey thoroughly. After a dull 2022, this year was a breath of immensely intoxicating fresh air.

Lots of planned and unplanned trips. Visited many cities and a different country and, to top it all off, I became a father :D. A son has been born to me.

Looking forward to another awesome year.

Happy New Year, everyone!!!

Njoy bigsmile


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