Category: Shares
When I couldn’t file the RTI : Possible solutions
RTI – Right to Information I tried to file an RTI from the website . But no matter what I have tried, i will get the following error Only alphabets A-Z a-z number 0-9 and special characters , . – _ ( ) / @ : & \ % are allowed in Text for RTI Request…
Happy New Year 2017
Ok, we are going to a new year. As usual i am going to tell you how it was me personaly, professional and in coding. Personaly, ups and downs. Professionally, great. Coding, neutral. Now to the new year ritual, there are some changes this year, i actually achieved some of the resolutions. Yup, even i…
Keralites ruin coffee/tea by adding sugar and milk
Keralites ruin coffee/tea by adding sugar and milk I was travelling with 22 international bloggers for the past one week as part of KeralaBlogExpress by Kerala Tourism One question by one of the travel bloggers is “Why people in kerala ruin the coffee/tea by adding sugar and milk”. The explanation given by our guide Manoj is as…